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Our Philosophy underpins our actions; it guides our practices, our approach to learning, development and well-being. This living document reflects our values and beliefs to support our children, educators and the wider community.

Educators, Management and Families have formed this document by:

  • Deciding what is important in their own and their child’s lives.
  • Acknowledging early childhood development and the different theories of how children learn.
  • Accepting the diverse social and cultural values of our community.
  • Incorporating the values of the Early Years Learning Framework, NQF and Code of Ethics.

In relation to children we believe:

  • Children have rights and that we will respect and advocate for those rights.
  • Children are individuals with unique developmental needs.
  • Children are to be treated with respect, love and care.
  • Children are connected to their family and community, providing a unique contribution to their world.

In relation to families we believe:

  • In valuing and respecting families, celebrating cultural diversity, family structure and needs.
  • We will work in partnership when supporting a child’s development.
  • Encouraging and offering opportunities for families and important people in their child’s life to become involved in the Centre.

In relation to Educators, we believe:

  • Educators have a commitment to the provision of high-quality care and education for children.
  • Educators are respectful of children’s rights.
  • Educators work as a team complimenting each other’s individuality and skills.
  • Educators are passionate about their roles in children’s lives.
  • Educators are building an understanding of Aboriginal Culture and the importance of Reconciliation.

Supporting Statement

To support the philosophy in relation to children:

  • Educators will promote and respect children’s rights.
  • We will accept and cater for all children’s individual and unique developmental needs.
  • We will adhere to positive behaviour and guidance techniques, offering safe choices.
  • Interactions with children will be consistent, nurturing, and positive.
  • Children will be given opportunities to become independent, build self-esteem, confidence and resilience.
  • Children will be listened to and involved in decision making, children’s voice.

To support the philosophy in relation to families:

  • We will value and respect families, celebrating cultural diversity, family structure and needs.
  • We will work in partnership with families when supporting a child’s development.
  • We will foster open communication creating a trusting and positive relationship between home and childcare.
  • We will encourage and offer opportunities for families and important people in their child’s life to become involved in the entre.
  • Confidentiality will be maintained. listen to and learn with families and engage in shared decision making, planning and assessment practices in relation to children’s learning, development and wellbeing.

To support the philosophy in relation to Educators:

  • Educators will have a commitment to the provision of high-quality care and education for children.
  • Educators acknowledge Aboriginal Cultural and the Kaurna Lands we play and work on.
  • Educators will promote children’s rights; risk taking and challenge their thinking and ideas.
  • Educators will be child focused, positive role models and responsive to children’s needs.
  • Educators will be professionals within the Early Childhood Education sector.
  • Educators will work as a team complimenting each other’s individuality and skills.
  • Communication between Educators will occur respectfully while taking into account the views of all in the team and the needs of children and the Centre.
  • Educators members’ right to a safe work environment will be respected and provided for.
  • Educators will have a commitment to furthering their knowledge, reflecting on their practices and taking part in professional growth and development.
  • Educators will work in partnership with families, using open and honest communication to achieve the best outcomes for children.
  • Encourage educators to foster and act in accordance with the Code of Ethics, and take action in the presence of unethical behaviours
  • Educators will have a commitment to incorporate the Centre’s values into their daily practices.

To support the philosophy in relation to the environment:

  • We will provide an environment in which children feel safe and confident, physically and emotionally.
  • The environment will meet all work OH&S standards.
  • We will provide an environment that feels welcoming and nurturing.
  • The environment will provide a variety of spaces to cater for all needs.
  • The environment will be aesthetically pleasing.
  • We will provide a stimulating environment, reflecting our program.
  • The outdoor play areas will be a celebration of our natural environment.
  • We will foster children’s connections with the natural world.
  • We will promote sustainability within our service.

To support the philosophy in relation to Food and Nutrition:

  • We will support families in their children’s dietary needs.
  • Meals will be positive opportunities for children to interact with adults and peers.
  • We will provide a well-balanced, nutritionally sound menu.
  • Our menu will reflect multicultural Australia including Aboriginal influences.
  • Children’s individual food needs and special dietary needs will be catered for with respect and care, offering the same type of menu (as close as possible) to the main Centre menu.
  • Our programs will incorporate experiences encouraging a positive, healthy outlook to food and healthy lifestyle.

To support the philosophy in relation to the program:

  • We will implement a developmentally appropriate program formed using the programming cycle and the Early Years Learning Framework.
  • Our program will be play based with a holistic approach.
  • Stimulating experiences for individuals as well as the group will be programmed.
  • Our programs will be educational, offering challenges and the opportunity to extend children’s knowledge and emerging interests.
  • Our program will provide a balance of indoor/outdoor, intentional teaching, spontaneous and child-initiated experiences.
  • Our program will reflect the professional nature of our staff.
  • Our program will be effectively communicated to families to ensure that they are connected to the child’s world outside of the Centre.
  • Learn about local community contexts and aspirations in order to create responsive programs to enhance children’s learning, development and wellbeing.
  • Reflecting and embedding the importance of reconciliation through acknowledging the traditional owners of the Adelaide Plains, the Kaurna People.

To support the philosophy in relation to the community:

  • We will maintain the principles of a not-for-profit organisation.
  • Promote a sense of acknowledgement and respect for all within our service community.
  • The Centre’s enrolments will be managed in an equitable, transparent manner, adhering to all government guidelines.
  • We will maintain positive relationships with our neighbours and other stakeholders.
  • We will maintain strong relationships with local, state and federal governments.
  • Partnerships with outside agencies will be fostered to work with staff and families to support children in the Centre.
  • Acknowledge the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their history.
  • To build respectful connections with local Kaurna people, to better understand their sense of country and strengthen their identities within our community by embedding into our curriculum.
  • Promote the value of children’s contribution as citizens to the development of strong communities.

To support the philosophy in relation to the Centre’s management:

  • The Centre’s constitution will be abided by at all times.
  • The committee will maintain the critical link between the Centre and the community.
  • Decisions made by the committee will be proactive and in accordance with Centre policy, philosophy and government guidelines.
  • The Centre’s policies are transparent and will be abided by at all times.
  • The committee will ensure the financial viability of the Centre and provide childcare at a fair cost.
  • The committee will ensure quality requirements are met and will strive for continual quality improvement.

Supporting documents:

Code of Ethics

Early Childhood Australia. (2017). Code of Ethics. ACT: Early Childhood Australia.